Improving Bog Gum habitat

Maintaining healthy populations

Endemic to Victoria and found on coastal lowlands, the Bog Gum (Eucalyptus kitsoniana) is a small, smooth-barked, mallee-like tree growing to around 8m. ​GTSAG is working to protect remnant populations of this rare tree.

Project description

The Outtrim Cemetery Conservation Reserve is one of the most intact remnants of the Ecological Vegetation Class (EVC), Damp Heathy Woodland, dominated by critically endangered Bog Gum on public land in South Gippsland.

Most of the Damp Heathy Woodland vegetation community in South Gippsland has been cleared for agriculture and only scattered remnants are found, mainly along roadsides.

GTSAG has been fortunate enough to obtain funding from Landcare Victoria to control weeds such as Sweet Pittosporum - above right - (Pittosporum undulatum) and Blackberry and to supplementary plant Bog Gum and other plant species appropriate to this EVC.