Threatened Species and Biolinks Project

Supporting landholders and communities

In 2023, we received initial funding from the Rendere Environmental Trust to employ Jye Andersen as our Threatened Species and Biolinks Officer. The focus of this position is to collate data and knowledge on local threatened species distributions and collaborate with local landholders, communities and public land managers to raise the profile of threatened species and develop projects to expand and improve habitat values and connectivity.

Project description

Jye has been conducting an ongoing census of biodiversity values across public and private land in the Bass Coast, utilising Victorian Biodiversity Atlas Species survey records, in conjunction with local anecdotal evidence and other available data sources to identify threatened species and their habitat requirements within these ecosystems.

This information is being mapped and used to determine likely and/or potential habitat for threatened species in a series of priority biolinks to link existing remnant patches and revegetation/remnant patches on private land and leading us to our two current focus areas - the Western Port Woodlands and Bunurong Coast Woodlands projects.